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Getting back on track

From our days at the OEQC in Maastricht in November 2015, a full year has passed. It was an eventful year. Like all years, it was filled with good things… but it also had its share – or more than its share – of events and happenings that kept all three of us from quilting as much as we would have wanted.

In April 2016, we had a small but prestigious exhibition at the Tel Aviv Center for the Performing Arts, the home of the Tel Aviv Opera.

It was our chance to show the two series of quilts that we had prepared for display at the OEQC a few months earlier: our Days of Creation series (7 quilts), shown below, and our Tel Aviv: Symphony by 6 Hands series (3 quilts). We received a huge amount of very positive feedback.

Hanging the Days of Creation series

And yet… the familiar “creative block” occurred.

Following the enormous efforts we invested in getting ready for the OEQC and then the preparations for the exhibition at the Opera House, we found ourselves – both collectively and individually – overcome with “life” *

* Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans [John Lennon]

John Lennon said it and we certainly agree that he was right.

Yes, we had other plans – but life pushed them aside.

And now – fast-forward several months – here we are, at the end of 2016, getting back on track. It has been a full year from those exciting days in the Netherlands, and now we’ve resumed our old and beloved schedule of sewing together every Friday. (Indeed, the threefold cord is not quickly broken.)

Two of our quilts were accepted and proudly sent to be displayed in the grand exhibition in Houston:

San Gimignano

San Gimignano

and Tel Aviv Symphony by 6 Hands: Jaffa

It seems all three of us are back on track – imagining, producing, debating, pondering, creating. For sure, it feels good to be back on the path again.

We’ll keep posting, and hope people will follow us.

Feel free to leave comments.

Liat, Orit and Leeanne

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