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"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success"

Our strength, our uniqueness - as we feel it, but even more, as others have expressed to us - is how well we work together. People ask, "Isn't there competition among the three of you?"
The true answer to this question lies in the fact that the question itself is a mystery to us.
The fact is, we each have our own fabric stash and thread collection - and each fabric we own and each spool of thread we use is happily offered to the other two.

We each have our own design wall in our homes, but when we sew together in our common studio (which is Orit's living room), our quilts and pieces of quilts hang together on the wall. Looking at the works in progress, we are often amazed at how well the colors blend, even though we haven't planned it.

And we each have our own style, though sometimes it is difficult to define.

And yet, the answer is, No, between us there is a very comfortable harmony.

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